Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Christmas Countdown: Day 7

We were away over the weekend so I have fallen behind with my posting. But, never fear! I am here today to update you with several days worth of crafts!

First, we'll start with one that is very easy and straightforward.

Snowflake Garland!

All you need are: some white paper, crayons/pencil crayons, scissors, string, and tape.

To make it, you simply let your child colour on some plain white computer paper. I then cut these into four squares so I had smaller snowflakes. 

Fold them in whatever way you want and then cut them! We've been working with scissors lately so my toddler did quite of bit of the cutting for these. There was no rhyme or reason to our designs, but there are websites you can google that show you how to cut snowflakes so they take on a certain shape.

Then, just tape them onto a long piece of string and hang it!

So simple!

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